How to recognize Calabrian IGP Oil
The Oil of Calabria IGP was born in territories very varied among themselves, which give the cultivars singular and characteristic flavours and aromas.
Irrespective of the various qualities of the fruit, producers are required to have chemical and organoleptic checks carried out constantly attesting to the achievement of the certain characteristics set out in the specification.
Only through these rigourous practises is it possible to obtain a higher quality product that can fall within the technical characteristics of the IGP designation.

The Consortium guarantees for each package that bears its own brand and verifies all the steps of the production chain, made exclusively in Calabria, from the olive harvest to the packaging.
The production specification, which ensures origin and quality, guarantees food safety with the adoption of the global strategy called “Safety from the fields to the table” that concerns the entire food chain and involves all the subjects involved in the production and marketing of Calabria IGP Oil. This strategy determines the possession of a multiplicity of decisive requirements for the health and well-being of people and plants.